©2024 Edo State Government

Official website of the Edo State Transport Authority

The Edo State Transport Authority (ESTA) is your dedicated partner in building a thriving, well-connected Edo State. Established in 2018 under the ESTA Law, we are an independent agency of the Edo State Government, tasked with the crucial responsibility of shaping the future of transportation in our state.

Our Vision

To establish Edo State as a model for efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems that enhance the quality of life for all residents and contribute to the state’s economic prosperity.

Our Mission

To transform Edo State’s transportation landscape through strategic planning, effective regulation, infrastructure investment, innovation, and collaboration.

Our Coure Value

These principles guide our work and decision-making:

Collaboration: We believe in the power of working together to achieve common goals. We actively seek input and collaboration from all stakeholders to ensure that our transportation solutions are inclusive and responsive to the needs of our communities.

Integration: We strive to create a seamless, integrated transportation network that connects people and places efficiently and effectively. We promote multimodal transportation options that encourage the use of public transit, walking, cycling, and other sustainable modes of travel.

Efficiency: We are committed to optimizing the use of resources and minimizing waste in all aspects of our operations. We use data-driven decision-making to identify and implement the most efficient transportation solutions.

Sustainability: We prioritize environmental stewardship and recognize the importance of reducing our carbon footprint. We promote the use of clean fuels, electric vehicles, and other sustainable transportation technologies.

Our Mandate and Functions

Our legal mandate encompasses a wide range of responsibilities aimed at improving transportation in Edo State:

Regulation: We regulate and oversee all transportation-related activities in the state, including public and private transportation services, to ensure safety, quality, and compliance with the law.

Coordination: We coordinate the efforts of all transport-related agencies in the state to ensure a unified approach to transportation planning and implementation.

Implementation: We develop and implement state-wide transportation policies, programs, and projects to improve mobility, accessibility, and safety.

Planning: We develop and update the Edo State Transport Master Plan, which provides a long-term vision and framework for the development of the state’s transportation system.

Research and Recommendations: We conduct research to identify transportation needs and challenges, and we provide policy recommendations to the Governor and other decision-makers.

Road Classification: We make recommendations for the classification of roads as state or local roads, ensuring appropriate management and maintenance.